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Painting and decorating: Choosing the Right Colour for Each Room

Painting and decorating: Choosing the Right Colour for Each Room


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Painting and decorating: Choosing the Right Colour for Each Room

Painting and decorating: Choosing the Right Colour for Each Room

May 11, 2020
By Admin
Painting around the house seems simple but it’s also potentially time consuming if you’re not sure of what you’re doing, so sometimes it’s easier to call in professional painters and decorators.

Whether you’re moving into a new home, or you’re simply looking for an interior overhaul of your home, you might be surprised at how a lick of paint can bring new life and freshness to a home.

However, as much as a new paint job can improve the look and feel of your home for the better, choosing the wrong colour, though, can make your house look smaller, darker or even colder than it actually is. So, your colour choices are extremely important!

Not to worry though. If you’re looking to redecorate your home, our top tips on choosing the right paint colour will help ensure that you always pick the best shade for your room.

But do know that you’re not alone in this. We are professional painters and decorators operating in the London area and are available to help you with any paint task you’d like to take on.

Tip 1: Know Which Direction Your Room Faces –

If you’re looking to add some wall plugs to your tool box that will work for a lot of the fixtures that you might want to attach to a wall, then the general-purpose wall plug should be top of the list. Not only will this plug work with many wall types, it will work very well with anything that is light.

Just remember, if you’re looking to attach something heavier such as a large mirror or shelves that will hold other heavy things, this wall plug is not safe or strong enough.

  1. North Facing
  2. South Facing
  3. East and West Facing

Tip 2: Consider How Much Time You Spend in a Room –

While most of us choose our colours based on our natural light, if you only spend time in that room at night, it makes more sense to pick colours that look good in artificial light (and are conducive to a better sleep quality). If you use LED bulbs, these will normally make colours look colder (although you can get ‘warmer’ LEDs). Halogen bulbs will make a room and its colours feel warmer.

Tip 3: Match the Colour to the Function of the Room –

Once you’ve looked at your light level and whether colder or warmer colours will work, it’s also important to consider the room you’re decorating as this will also affect your choices. Take, for instance, you have a room that will really suit a bright orange, while this might look great in a dining room, living room or kitchen – it might be a little bright for getting to sleep in a bedroom.

If you’re still not sure about what colours to choose, ask a professional painter and decorator for ideas based on previous projects they’ve done.

Colour choice is always relative to your tastes, though. So, if you want a particular colour, just go for it regardless of what others think. After all, it’s you who is going to be living there!

Here are some further resources if you’d like to find out more:

Article Source: Resources